3rd IEEE Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering - IEEE UKRCON 2021, Leópolis (Ucrania). 26-28 agosto 2021
Providing the necessary accuracy of basing Bernoulli gripping manipulation objects in robotic cells is an relevant task and can be achieved by choosing rational parameters of the handling process. The article presents the results of experimental studies of Bernoulli gripping devices of industrial robots at various operating parameters and weight of objects of manipulation. The maximum basing error of the manipulation object in relation to the gripping devices in the operation of the technical cells has been determined. When gripping objects from a distance of 0.5…1 mm average basing error value will be 0.08…0.15 mm, with a mean quadratic deviation of 0.025…0.035 mm. At displacements of center of mass of captured objects relative to Bernoulli gripping device axis up to 20 mm maximum error of objects basing increases by 2.2 times.
Palabras clave: Bernoulli gripping device, trajectory, object of manipulation, accuracy, contactless transportation, industrial robot
Publicado en IEEE UKRCON 2021, pp: 1-5, ISBN: 978-1-6654-0095-4
Fecha de publicación: 2021-08-26.
V. Savkiv, R. Mykhailyshyn, F. Duchon, V. Piscio, V. Medvid, I. Diahovchenko, Investigation of the accuracy of the base of the object of manipulation of bernoulli gripping devices, 3rd IEEE Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering - IEEE UKRCON 2021, Leópolis (Ucrania). 26-28 agosto 2021. En: IEEE UKRCON 2021: Conference proceedings, ISBN: 978-1-6654-0095-4